The key is to face reality without getting overwhelmed by it. It’s about making three choices. The first is to be willing to engage with big bad truths. For example: I live within an economic system that is inherently unsustainable and unfair, and there are huge obstacles in the way of changing it. The second choice is to process what I’ve learned as healthily as I can, sometimes by intentionally limiting my level of engagement. For example: Maybe I can plant a wildlife meadow in my neighborhood and commune with the bees and other pollinators to take a break from fixating on human hubris. The third choice is to respond by taking helpful actions in my community (for inspiring examples, I recommend scanning the accumulated articles on It can feel relieving and even empowering to approach the Great Unraveling by making these three choices. Instead of focusing on how much I can change the world, I try to focus on who and how I want to be as we all face tough times.
From: Grappling with the Great Unraveling on
The entire article is well worth a read.